Things happen to people. 

“Good” or “bad” entirely depends on the person and the perspective.

There is no such thing as “Bad things” and “Good people”. What is Good to you is “Bad” for someone else and what is “Bad” to you is “Good” for someone else.

So let’s say a Lion breaks into your house and eats you up. 

  • Your neighbors will curse the Lion because they considered you good.
  • Your enemies will praise the Lion because they considered you bad.
  • The Lion’s children will praise the Lion because they were Hungry.
  • The Hyna’s children will curse the Lion because they did not get a share.
  • The Deer will praise the Lion because the Lion did not eat him and selected you as your food.
  • The Forest officials will curse you because their job is on the line because the Lion ate you.
  • The farmers will bless you because now you have awakened the government and the government will do something about it.

The Lion is not responsible for all these “feelings”.

Neither are you.

The Lion is just following his behavior and you are an object of his behavior.

All these feelings emerge from individual perspectives of “Good” and “Bad” and the “NEED”.


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