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Madhukari is a conjugation of two terms – “Madhu” and “Kar”. Madhu – Honey Kar – Tax. The act of collecting alms through Tax is called “Madhukari”. Madhukari is a verb, which means the action is referred

It seems, nobody is forever happy with their work or objectives. What is the secret of good work and how do we achieve fulfilment through work and feel happiness and continue to feel it? When we move to a new job, we are happy for a while but that happiness goes away in some time. Why is it that we are never able to find sustainable happiness and fulfilment through work?

Every human being has a different alignment of consciousness and he sees the world according to his level of consciousness. His experiences, perceptions and perspectives are merely a reflection of his consciousness level. There are five stages of human consciousness of which we experience up to three levels and only few people experience the fourth. None knows the fifth and those who know it, are unknown.

Poverty is manifested when “Value” is stored. Nature has no preference for the strong or the weak. No matter who you are, you have to work, hunt your food – you cannot use technology to store your need for tomorrow. Humans have figured out how to store value which causes poverty at a massive scale and sadly, there is no way to undo this.

We are often aggressive towards a subject but the moment we realize that the subject is harmless and itself needs help, we show our sensitive side. The choice of showing sensitivity is often a communication problem, one subject fails to communicate with another in a proper way. The need of empathy is not communicated and the opposing party considers you a threat and offers resistance.

We are always hankering after material enjoyment and trying to hold on to things, in the hope of maintaining that enjoyment. The mere thought of losing our so called valuables and what we enjoy gives us severe anxiety. Fear is born only by the influence of the illusory energy which we are subjected to as long as we refuse to understand our real identity.

A relationship where both the subjects aren’t needy, aren’t insecure and help each other for mutual growth is friendship. A relationship where both the subjects are needy, are insecure and transact with each other for mutual growth is business.

Arjuna said that Yudhisthira is more righteous but Krishna explained that such is not the case. Just because Karna is siding with Duryodhana doesn’t mean he is any less righteous than Yudhisthira. He has his personal limitations but this has nothing to do with his righteousness as a king.

Most people don’t want to execute the principles taught in the scriptures. They are trapped. They do not want to get rid of their habits and are comfortable the way they are. It is just a choice they have made and they want to live that way, that does not mean something is outdated or something doesn’t work.

Marriage is not a natural phenomenon. Marriage is a cultural phenomenon. Man has invented marriage. Man has invented marriage to fulfil his own desires.