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According to astrological vedic calculations, Kali Yuga started around 3102 BC and will last for 4,32,000 years. This is the entire time span of Kali yuga but note that this is not the entire life span of Humanity and morality. The life span of humanity in Kaliyuga is 10,000 human years and vedic predictions state that it will end around 6480 AD

The human body is basically an energy system. You can keep it with many openings and transact with the world in a certain way or you can make this into a close-circuit system so that it becomes integrated. Brahmacharya is a virtuous path which helps the subject understand his own identity. The foundation of “Yoga” lies in perfect observance of Brahmacharya.

We are often deluded by the result and ignore the pursuit of something. Everyone is focused on what results his action will bring and not focusing on the present pursuit. The subjects fail to realize that they have no control on the result anyway.

I am not the body and neither the thoughts that I think. I am not my own imagination, I am not who I imagine myself to be. I am that being which cannot be grasped by even the mind. That being is the “eye of the eye” and “ear of the ear”, the “mind of the mind”. The wise men give up in the pursuit of knowing the I

What does the Vedas state about the position of women in society, family, industry or any generic place? Was oppression of the other sex always a norm in the culture? If Yes, what is the reason? If No, why do we see this behavior prevail in our culture

Your physical health determines whether your body is in good condition while your mental health determines whether your mind and thoughts are in good condition. If you have ugly thoughts coming in all day, how will you ever think about the things that really matter

Since Life is considered more difficult than Death, the householder phase is considered more difficult than the “Sanyas” phase. Rigveda hence challenges a subject to take up the householder phase, perform all the duties a man should maintain in a material world, acquire wealth and progeny through a woman and then enter the next phase of “Sanyas”.

Brahmacharya is a virtue, where it means celibacy when unmarried, and fidelity when married. It represents a virtuous lifestyle that includes simple living, meditation and other behaviors

Money can give you happiness. At the same time, money can make your life miserable. Money is just a technology, how one uses it to achieve happiness and fulfillment is up to the subject.